


 "I aim to help students develop the tools to make a difference in our world, pursuing whatever their definition of justice may be." 

Professor Emeritus Brian K. Landsberg began teaching at McGeorge in 1986 and has continued to teach since taking emeritus status. His teaching is grounded in his experience as an attorney in the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, beginning in the tumultuous 1960s. His career in the Civil Rights Division began with trial work to vindicate the right of African-Americans in Alabama to vote, notably including the case the recognized the right to march from Selma to Montgomery to protest racial discrimination in voter registration. That work also became the basis for his book Free at Last to Vote: The Alabama Origins of the Voting Rights Act. Professor Landsberg also worked on some of the first cases to desegregate public accommodations and on fair employment and fair housing cases. As Chief of the 教育 Section, he helped litigate the cases that transformed the schools of the Deep South from the most segregated to the most integrated schools in the nation by the mid-1970's. He then became Chief of the Appellate Section, arguing cases in United States Courts of Appeals throughout the country, as well as working on Supreme Court briefs in seminal civil rights cases.

Professor Landsberg's teaching has covered a wide range of public law and advocacy topics, including 常量itutional 法律, 第一修正案, 联邦法院, Federal Anti-discrimination 法律, 民权法, Critical Race Theory, 上诉的宣传, as well as courses for students in advanced degree programs. 他导演的, 整整五年, the McGeorge program, financed by the United States Agency for International 重击opment, to train Chinese law professors in experiential legal education methods such as clinical legal education and trial and appellate advocacy. That project culminated in the publication of several books in Chinese to guide Chinese law professors and students in these subjects.

Professor Landsberg has continued to promote civil rights, as Chair of the Amicus Committee of the 法律yers Committee for Civil Rights Under 法律, a national organizations of lawyers founded at the request of President Kennedy to provide legal representation on important issues of race discrimination. He is also Co-Chair of the 萨克拉门托-Davis Chapter of J Street, a national pro-Israel, pro-peace organization.

His other books include Global Issues in 常量itutional 法律 [with Leslie Jacobs], Global Issues in Employment Discrimination 法律 [with Samuel Estreicher], Enforcing Civil Rights: Race Discrimination and the Department of Justice, and the three volume Major Acts of Congress (编辑).


BA, University of California, Berkeley
LLB, University of California, Berkeley, School of 法律
Certificate in African 法律, University of London


Representative 奖学金 and 活动

”李v. Macon County Board of 教育: The Possibilities of Federal Enforcement of Equal 教育al Opportunity,杜克·J. 常量. L. & 酒吧. 波尔'y 1-52 (2016)

介绍 to Voices of the Civil Rights Division: Then and Now (October 28, 2011), 44 麦克L.牧师. 269 (2013)

California's Affirmative Action Ban in the Ninth Circuit, 法学家论坛,二月. 23, 2012.

Promoting Social Justice Values and Reflective Legal Practice in Chinese 法律 学校,24 Pac. 麦克一团. 公共汽车. & Dev. L. J. 107 (2012).

Integrated Legal 教育, J. Of Experiential Learning Legal Ed.中国大学. 波尔. Sci. & L.12月. 2010, at 6 可以在.

前言 致滕鸿清 & Changxing Liu, Access to Justice: Clinical Legal 教育 (2010) 可以在.

A Train the Trainers Program for Building Legal Infrastructure in China, 8 CIP代表. No. 2010年6月12日6时 可以在 .

Free at Last to Vote: The Alabama Origins of the 1965 Voting Rights Act (University Press of Kansas, 2007).

Global Issues in 常量itutional 法律, co-authored with Leslie Jacobs (2007)

Global Issues in Employment Discrimination 法律, co-authored with Samuel Estreicher (2007)

The Role of Judicial Independence, 19 Pac. McGeorge环球巴士. & 重击. J. 331 (2007)

Major Acts of Congress [Editor in Chief] (Macmillan Reference USA 2003);

"Sumter County, Alabama and the Origins of the Voting Rights Act," 45 Ala. L. 牧师. 877 (2003).